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How to wear pants with ankle boots? Don't make these mistakes


Pants are the most common closet item chosen by women to form the basis of their daily outfits. In companies with a dress code, cigarette pants reign supreme, while in places where there are no strict dress codes, jeans are generally relied upon. In colder weather, we like to choose women's boots and boots. Unfortunately, this type of footwear often causes difficulties when styling. How to wear pants with ankle boots? Using our hints, you will avoid the most common mistakes.

What pants go with ankle boots?

Probably not a few of us, with the arrival of autumn, ask ourselves: What pants go best with ankle boots?. Fortunately, many models pass the test for this type of footwear. Choosing women's autumn shoes, you should pay attention to their upper. Cowboy boots go with matching pants. Tube legs are inserted into the shoe. It is good to choose women's boots in the shade of jeans to optically lengthen the legs. Unfortunately, the cowboy boots, which have been popular for several seasons, will not work well with bells or swedes. The aforementioned boots for autumn have an upper that is too wide to be placed under the leg. At the same time, they are narrow enough that they will not aesthetically arrange a thick layer of pants.

Wide pants - how to match them with boots?

How to wear pants with ankle boots if you decide to wear flare trousers, palazzos or schweds? With the help of women's ankle boots with a matching upper. These, moreover, have a wide range of uses. We can put in them tube shoes, it is important that they have a bit of slack, and there is also the option of tucking them under the leg. If you are wondering how to wear ankle boots, being a short woman, we recommend a simple fashion trick. Choose autumn heeled boots with a fitted upper, and seamed or culottes. Wide pants will cover your shoes. This way you will create a longer vertical line, which will optically lengthen your figure and add a few centimeters of height.

Straight-leg pants raise difficulties in choosing shoes for autumn

How to wear pants with ankle boots? Undoubtedly, you need to choose the right model. We do not recommend pants with a straight leg. This one, after all, is too wide to tuck into boots, but at the same time narrow enough that we won't cover our fall boots with it. Even if you choose cowboy boots and try to somehow arrange the excess material, you can get an unsightly effect of rippled fabric.

How to wear pants with ankle boots?

In the fall, one of the most searched fashion buzzwords is: ankle boots how to wear. No wonder, after all, this type of transitional shoes is not only characterized by great comfort, but also allows you to create interesting styling that differs in character. While virtually any boots for autumn look good juxtaposed with tights and a dress, some caution should be exercised with pants. After all, not every cut can be easily dressed down. Pay attention to whether, by combining particular models of pants with certain boots, you ensure that your legs are shielded from the cold. In recent years, 7/8 length jeans have become very fashionable, but also 3/4 pants and midi pants. These are great for warmer days, as the ankle is one of the slimmest parts of our body. As a result, by uncovering it, we optically slim down our legs. However, autumn boots with relatively short uppers combined with 7/8-length pants can give a rather caricatured effect when a strip of bare skin appears between them. If you already decide to wear midi pants, then it is worth wearing tights of the same color as the leather shoes under them, and choose shoes on a rise. This way not only will not optically shorten our legs, but also we will not get cold and, as a result, avoid catching a cold.

How to optically lengthen your legs by wearing ankle boots?

We already know that the length of pants matters, and slim-fitting pants make any boot top a perfect fit. If you are still wondering how to wear pants with ankle boots, we have another original suggestion for you. Nothing prevents you from pairing women's fall boots with shorts. Just put tights of the right thickness under the short shorts and you will get a warm styling. Shorts strongly expose the long, to enhance this effect reach for shoes with heels or boots with pumps. However, it is important that these are of the same color as the tights. Platform shoes are more comfortable than stiletto boots, and just as slenderize the figure and optically lengthen the legs.

Models of fashionable ankle boots to match any style

What is the name of ankle boots? You probably already know that they are boots. These, however, very often differ in the upper. It can be relatively tight and snug, but also wide. Boots with a slim upper, kept in a neutral color and made of smooth grain leather have the widest application. We will combine them with both elegant cigarillos and casual jeans. Particularly noteworthy are the flat shoes, which are the slippers. These have elastic bands on the sides, which allow the upper to adjust to the width of the ankle. Lace-ups are characterized by great wearing comfort. They can be either suede or grain leather shoes, in their case the key role is played by the cut.

The most common mistakes when styling with ankle boots

You already know how to wear pants with ankle boots. Now we will list some common mistakes to warn you against them. The first of these is women's close-fitting boots that cut off the color of the pants. In this way, we optically shorten our legs. The second is choosing the wrong shoes in relation to the length of the legs. Wide pants are often longer, the exception being culottes and palazzos, as they are meant to cover boots. However, if we choose flat shoes, we drag their legs down the street. The third quite common mistake is to roll up the legs and tuck them strenuously into the boots. In this way, we only get a convex element that creases us and stands out under the upper.

How to tie ankle boots?

Boots for autumn often include laces. How to tie them to make them look interesting and fashionable? In the case of slightly longer ones, we can wrap them around the upper several times. This is a way taken from the styling of sneakers. When the laces have the right length, pull them through the holes or metal rounded hooks, then tie them at the top of the upper, forming an aesthetic bow.

Styling with ankle boots - an example of a fashionable set

Autumn styling with boots has more than one name. How to create an interesting outfit, having at your disposal pants? We recommend to put on a pair of seamed or bell-bottoms, and under their legs wear matching heeled boots. Wide pants can widen the figure, so in order to maintain the correct proportions, reach for a tight cashmere turtleneck, then tuck it into jeans at waist level. It is best to impose a stylish wool coat over the whole thing. Now that you know how to wear pants with ankle boots, you are sure to create many interesting outfits.

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